Workshop From geometry to numericsIHP
IHP, Paris, 20-24 November 2006

Luisa Buchman (Univ. Texas, Austin, USA)

Towards absorbing outer boundaries in General Relativity

We construct exact solutions to the Bianchi equations on a flat spacetime background. When the constraints are satisfied, these solutions represent in- and outgoing linearized gravitational radiation. We then consider the Bianchi equations on a subset of flat spacetime of the form [0,T] x BR, where 
BR is a ball of radius R, and analyze different kinds of boundary conditions on \partial BR. With the help of the exact solutions constructed, we determine the amount of artificial reflection of gravitational radiation from constraint-preserving boundary conditions which freeze the Weyl scalar Psi0 to its initial value. For monochromatic radiation with wave number k and arbitrary angular momentum number l>= 2, the amount of reflection decays as (k R)-4 for large k R. For each L >= 2, we construct new local constraint-preserving boundary conditions which perfectly absorb linearized radiation with l<= L. We generalize our analysis to a weakly curved background of mass M (to first order in M/R and for quadrupolar radiation). 


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