Working Group γ-cr-ν
Very high energy gamma rays, cosmic rays and neutrinos & hadronic AGN emission models
Presentation Meetings Members Links & Documents

Working Group Meetings

The first meeting of our working group will take place on
December 9, 2008 at the Observatoire de Paris in Paris
(77 Avenue Denfert-Rochereau, 75014 Paris)

You can find details on how to access the Observatory on this site.
There you find a map of the surroundings (Plan d'accès) and a map of the buildings in the Observatory (Plan du site).
We will be in building 16 (salle de l'Atelier), which is just behind the entrance, in the morning and might have to move to the "salle Danjon" (just next to the "salle de l'Atelier") in the late afternoon.

If you are interested in joining this meeting, please contact us for more information.

Here is the program:

9h30: our room ("salle de l'Atelier") will be open

10h00: Introduction

- Welcome (Andreas Zech, LUTH)  10'

- AGN, Massive Black Holes, Accretion (Suzy Collin, LUTH)  25' +10'

10h45: Experimental status, results and interpretation

- Summary on AGN observations at very high energies (Lucie Gérard, APC)  25' + 10'

11h20 - 11h45:  coffee break

- Results from Auger & Interpretation of the existing data on UHECR composition (Denis Allard, APC)  30' + 10'

The status of astro-neutrino experiments (Damien Dornic, CPPM) 30' + 10'

- Status of the CTA design study (Clementina Medina, LUTh)  15'+5'

13h25 - 14h30: lunch break

- The AGN science case for CTA (Hélène Sol, LUTh) 10'+5'

- Estimation of  the neutrino spectrum from AGNs using the measured VHE gamma ray spectrum
(Garabed Halladjian, CPPM) 10' + 5'

15h00: Emission models

- Hadronic emission models (Felix Spanier, Universität Würzburg) 30' + 10'

- Leptonic jet models for VHE AGN (Jean-Philippe Lenain, LUTH) 25' + 10'

16h15 - 16h45 coffee break (here we  have to move to "salle Danjon")

- High-energy processes at the base of magnetized, baryon loaded jets.
                                             (Gustavo E. Romero, Universidad Nacional de La Plata) 30' + 10'

- Secondary content of the high energy cosmic ray electron spectrum
                                                         (Jens Ruppel, Ruhr-Universität Bochum) 15' + 5'

- Thermal and non-thermal coronae of accreting black-holes (Renaud Belmont, CESR) 15' + 5'

18h05 - 19h00: general discussion

19h00: end of meeting

contactA. Zech        last updated: December 5, 2008